Hochland Natec is specialised in equipment for the production, processing and packaging of processed cheese (IWS/SOS). The equipments are available in a range of different performance classes to suit your requirements.

COMAT is a brand of excellence in design and construction of machines, production lines and automation plants dedicated to cheese making business and dairy industry.

HASSIA-REDATRON is a solution provider for the packaging of your products in flexible packaging materials by means of vertical packaging machines. Our Sachet, StickPack and Pouch machines meet the varied and demanding requirements for use in the food and chemical and other industries.

CT Pack is a specialist in food packaging with a focus on Bakery, Chocolate, Ice Cream and Frozen Food, providing full turn-key packaging lines starting from the individual unwrapped product and continuing all the way to case-packing.

Storci builds and sells pasta processing equipment and pasta production Lines for dry pasta, fresh pasta, coucous and ready meals.

Established in 1969, LOMA SYSTEMS® designs, manufactures and supports inspection equipment used to identify contaminants and product defects within the food, packaging, principally offering Metal Detectors, Checkweighers and X-Ray Inspection systems.

Effytec leads in manufacturing machineries of horizontal sachet and pouch packaging machinery for a wide range of different sectors, like retail food & beverages or chemical products, in many other applications, working from rollstock or pre-made pouches.

Bertuzzi Food Processing Srl is an Italian manufacturer of fruit processing machinery with a tradition that dates back to 1936. During eighty years of activity, Bertuzzi has supplied more than 1000 fruit processing plants in over 100 countries.

Camfil is a prominent global expert in air filtration, Camfil designs and manufactures air filters and clean air solutions. Their commercial and industrial systems not only enhance air quality but also boost productivity, reduce energy consumption, and promote environmental and human well-being.

Gorreri is widely known for the production of different solutions of mixing equipment both in continuous and in batch, complete sponge cake production lines, automatic or semi-automatic lines for the production of cupcakes and similar products, automatic lines for the production of multi-layer and celebration cakes and automatic lines for the production of short crust based cakes.

Turn-key solutions for the preparation of layer cakes (cream and sponge cake), margarine and shortening, ice cream, pasteurized creams – jams for injection, sauces and gravies.

HEBOMIX fully meets the needs of industrial food processing. Whether cooking, emulsifying, homogenizing or mixing - HEBOMIX mixing systems cover a wide range of variations and ensure smooth processes.

PFM Group is a world-class manufacturer and meets all the flexible packaging requirements of the food and non-food industries including Fully Automatic Packaging Lines (Primary and Secondary Packaging).

R. Bardi S.r.l. is an Italian company specialized in the production of industrial bottle washing and filling machines. It has moved the line of application to water, soft drinks, juices, becoming a leading player in the bottle washing industry.

Baker Perkins is one of the leading food processing equipment suppliers, with our technology integral to the success of many of the world’s leading food manufacturers across the bread, biscuit, confectionery, extruded foods and breakfast cereal sectors.

PMR is a leading Manufacturer of filling, capping and labeling machines.